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Congregation ATID celebrated its Silver Anniversary in 2017, in a new rented space appropriate for all the activities, including the High Holidays.

We love to receive visitors from around the world, families or groups, who participate in the religious, social and cultural activities.
We sincerely thank friends who are already part of our TREE OF LIFE, contributing to our continued growth as an active Synagogue and Community Center, providing for what our members need and deserve.

The following development areas have a fund, and additional information is available upon request.

* Lithurgy, Machzorim and Sefer Torah
Thanks to the donations of two famlies, this year 2024 we inaugurated printed siddurim using the contents given by Rabbi Block from the Comunidad Nueva Bnei Israel de Santiago de Chile.
Our new project is to print Machzorim (Spanish-Hebrew) and to acquire a new Sefer Torah.

* NOAM our Youth
We are proud to have the strongest Youth group in Spain. They enjoy weekly activities, three camps/year and madrichim receive training in in Israel and different European programs.
Very important ... many stay with us and take new leadership roles when they grow up!

* Our Synagogue
As any home, we need to upkeep our space and bring it up to new regulations.
We have installed a defibrillator (required by law), a new security system and are now prepared to broadcast any activity remotely.
We just renewed the lease. It is time to paint and reinforce glass storefronts and access doors as per security standards.

* Culture and Education
While many of our activities are offered by our staff or volunteers, we also invite professors and we travel to attend learning and training seminars for youth and adult leaders.

We have designed a Tree of Life to ensure the future of our Jewish Community.
This tree connects us symbolizing Jewish life around the world.
All donations will be recognized on our TREE OF LIFE. More details here.

It will be an honor for us in ATID if you choose to be part of our extended kehila by supporting us so that our community keeps flourishing.
Unless you specify which area you want to donate to, funds will be assigned to what is most needed.

If your donation is over 200 euros and you want it to be tax deductible, we will send you appropriate details to make it through a US charity.
Please send an email to and tell us the amount and what method you prefer: check, wire transfer or donate on line.


We are a Jewish community born in Barcelona in 1992

ATID is a member of




  • The Bronce EcoSynagogue Award


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