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Recent acts of vandalism in Barcelona

I am addressing all the Jews of Barcelona with great sadness and concern due to the recent acts of vandalism of anti-Semitism in another synagogue in Barcelona. This is the second incident in a very short time and as the President of ATID, the Masorti Synagogue of Catalonia, I want to express our strongest condemnation of any form of hatred and discrimination against our Jewish community.

These acts of vandalism not only damage physical properties, but also cause deep emotional and psychological harm to our community.

It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, there are people who still perpetuate hatred towards Jews and worse, that there are governments that do not take action against it.

I want to convey to Jabad Lubavitch and Rabbi David Libersohn our solidarity and support in these difficult times.

We must be united and support each other as the Jewish community in Barcelona. We are all committed to working together to ensure the safety of all our synagogues and Jewish communities in the city.

At ATID, we will continue to work to promote tolerance and respect for all people, regardless of their origin, religion, or identity. We will continue to fight against anti-Semitism and any form of hatred that threatens our community.

I encourage you all to continue to strengthen our community and work together to create a more just and compassionate world.


Sílvia Leida.
President of ATID
Masorti Jewish Community of Catalonia.

Tags: Vandalismo, Antisemitismo
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