Tahara's workshop in Maig
This month our Chevra Kadisha met in a tahara workshop accompanied by Rabbi Guillo Bronstein (Peru).
With him we discuss various topics and clarify doubts about the practical, the different minhagim and the many tasks of the Chevrah Kadisha.
Under his supervision we simulated the ritual washing and dressing process, and went through the steps and prayers.
This practice has a deep spiritual meaning, in that the met/metah (body of the deceased) is prepared for its journey to eternity.
Water accompanies the passage between these two worlds at all times.
Rabbi Bronstein proposed us to incorporate this beautiful sentence, taken from Ezekiel, which summarizes this idea:
וזרקתי עליכם מיים טהורים וטהרתם
I will pour pure water on you and you will be pure
It has been very enriching to have the opportunity to do a face-to-face workshop under his tutelage.
Many thanks to Rabbi Bronstein, the team of volunteers and Serveis Funeraris Altima who lent us the mannequin for the practice.
These meetings are open to members of the community who want to learn about this practice of Judaism.
The next meeting will surely be about shiva. We will inform you when.