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The International Holocaust Victims Memorial Day II

The Comunitat Jueva ATID de Catalunya, present in the institutional commemoration ceremonies of THE INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST VICTIMS MEMORIAL DAY.

Leaders from our youth movement NETZER, Julieta Tepper and Alan Waisman, participated in the educational project providing their knowledge to secondary and high school students that participated in the projects that ended in the ceremony of the Palau del Parlament last January 26th. Eithan Klein, another youngster from the youth movement was in charge of lighting a candle in memory of the 6,000,000 Jews in the Palau de la Generalitat and Plaça Sant Jaume. In addition, Marta Forteza, one of our community members, represented us in the ceremony that took place in Girona and our Community Director participated in the lighting of candles and floral offering that Amical Mauthausen organized in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

As Hamutal Rogel, the spokeswoman of Israeli embassy in Spain, rightly said in her speech in the Palau del Parlament, ‘The Holocaust makes us aware of the danger that a silent majority of millions of persons, let this thing happen. Normal and good people kept minding ‘their business’, while their neighbors, colleagues and companions were dehumanized, excluded from society and, finally, assassinated. Most people and all governments were not concerned of the fate of Jews. This is the shocking truth.’

"Remembrance and Beyond"

Thanks to the Parlament de Catalunya for the use of images

Tags: Holocausto, Shoa, Parlament de Catalunya
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