Candle lighting and Hanukkah 5785 celebrations in Atid
This Friday, December 27, we experienced a special afternoon at Atid, lighting the third candle of Hanukkah and enjoying together some delicious sufganiot that sweetened our meeting. Rabbi Irene Muzas led us through a deeply enriching class, followed by the warm Kabbalat Shabbat service.
Hanukkah inspires us with the story of the Maccabees, who, with courage and dedication, defended our identity, traditions and freedom. It is an eternal reminder that, even in the darkest moments, a small light can ignite hope and guide us towards a better future.
At Atid, that light is reflected in each of you: in your commitment to Jewish values, in the transmission of our heritage to new generations and in the strength that unites us to build an inclusive, warm, diverse and meaningful community.
Thanks to your participation and dedication, Atid continues to be a spiritual, cultural and human home that fills us with pride.
Hanukkah Sameach