Wellcome from our president
Dear Friends, I am Sylvia Leida, the president of Atid. I would like to welcome you to our community in Barcelona. It has been 25 years since Atid was consolidated from one of the first Jewish communities in Barcelona.
This goes back to the 3rd of August, 1492 when every Jew was required to comply with the Granada Act and all Jews were forced to abandon their communities.
Since its foundation, Atid has endeavored to promote Jewish life not only in Barcelona but throughout Spain, offering religious services to all Jews interested in receiving them.
We have also tried to promote Jewish cultural life with all types of events. Our community is young and we keep growing, counting among us more than 120 families. Weare excited for all to come join us, becoming part of our community, and participating and living among us. Our community mis traditional and igalitarian, making no distinction beetween men and women.
We do not discrimiminate based on sexual orientation or race. Everyone is a welcome, equal participant.
We are completely commited to the principals of democracy, liberty and tolerance as well as the rich diversity that comprises Judaism. We celebrate together, our festivals and Shabbat servvices every Friday.
To contact us, simply email us at: secretaria@atid.es.
Silvia Leida