Parashat Tzav
Leviticus 6-8
This Shabbat that precedes Pesaj receives a special name: Shabbat HaGadol. Some believe that this name corresponds to the fact that the Haftarah that accompanies the Parashah ends with “hagadol” referring to the prophet Eliyahu, whom we will serve once cup at the Seder, and who will bring about the messianic era. But this is just one interpretation.
As is one of the many things we can learn from this parashah week, Tzav, of the coming of Eliyahu and of the messianic era, the expected era of peace and global justice: to be patient. The sacrifices and offerings that we read about in this parashah They are described in great detail, which can sometimes be dispensable to us; the priests must wait seven days to purify themselves, Moses clothes Aaron and his children piece by piece, etc. In the era of fast and easy, it is hard to understand such slowness, delay and details, apparently expendable, but if we can learn something from all this is to cultivate patience and to understand that for important things, there is to know how to enjoy the present time and the details.
Shabbat shalom!