Parashat Tetzaveh
Exodus 27:20-30:10
Shabbat Zachor
The last parashots that we have read speak of construction: a spiritual and social construction, and a physical construction. For the spiritual and social construction of the People of Israel, he received on Mount Sinai a series of norms that regulate coexistence; For the construction of the Mishkan, the "portable Temple" and the clothing of the priests, the people of Israel receive a series of detailed instructions.
It is important to note that for the construction of these symbols, people are required to donate what they can, that is, what they can and want to give away, be it a skill or a material possession. Chance has willed that we read this parashah at the gates of Purim, and that at least two of the five Purim mitzvot have to do with “gifting” and “donating”: mishloach manot and mattanot la'evyonim, sending gifts to our loved ones loved ones and give gifts to those most in need. Let's keep giving and giving away so that we can build together a fairer and happier society. Joyful Purim!